
January 1, 2014

Procrastination is the thief of time - Proverb for January 1

My daughter gave me a desk calendar called "The Worlds Great Proverbs" with a proverbs of wisdom for each day.  Rather than just quickly read each days entry and forget it, I decided to really thing about each one and decide if I agree with it and how I might use it for my personal development.

The proverb for January 1 is that "Procrastination is the thief of time".  I find this a powerful statement and find myself agreeing with the this pearl of wisdom.  Procrastination is definitely something I struggle with as I've wasted a lot of time doing pointless tasks to avoid those I really want to complete or would benefit from.

Procrastination is defined as the delay or postponing of something.  In some cases something of a higher priority comes up and I would not consider this procrastination after all, we can't complete all our responsibilities in the time given and have to make decisions on what is a priority.  The problem really comes out when I waste opportune  time to do something on my todo list.  The biggest culprit for me right now is just sitting on the Internet browsing through nothing in particular.

Since today is Jan 1 and a new year and an ideal time to start over and begin fresh I will resolve to use my time more wisely.  My one complaint is that this piece of wisdom really isn't something I want to start on Jan 1 simply because it's a stat holiday and a day to recover from the new years evening celebrations however, the irony is not lost on me that I'm procrastinating on my resolve to not procrastinate.

Here then is some of my ideas to make better use of my time and cut out the procrastination.
- Schedule my calendar more with specific things I want to complete and of course follow through on it.
- Cut out the daily websites I visit that just start a chain of browsing and becomes a black hole for time.
- Stop sitting in the comfy sofa when I get home from work or after supper.
- Identify other ways I procrastinate and find ways to avoid these situations.

By cutting out the procrastination I also hope to focus more on my personal growth and particularly my devotional life.  I also hope to get ahead in my blogging with the intention of making some money on the side.  The other major benefit is to simply use the additional time for the kids and for projects around the house.

So in conclusion, I completely agree with todays proverb and commit to working on procrastination in order to accomplish more and use my time productively to my personal benefit and the benefit of my family.

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