
January 8, 2014

All things come to those who wait - Proverb for January 8

The proverb for January 8 tells me that "All things come to those who wait".  Right off the top I can tell you that I don't find myself agreeing with this proverb. I think the obviously teaching of this proverb is that we need patience but the idea that "all things" come to those who wait seems a stretch.  I find this a stretch because of what I see on the news or hear others go through.  The amount of suffering in the world and the people who have waited for healing or love tells me this isn't a true statement.  Not all prayers are answered as we would expect.

I though maybe I was missing something in this proverb so I did some quick research on it.  I didn't see any other interpretation so I will stick with the simple meaning that this is a call for patience.  One take away I will make from this proverb is that we shouldn't give up easily.  It would be a shame if someone were to quit on something they desire because it takes too long.  Patience and persistence are both virtues worth practicing.

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