
January 3, 2014

Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock - Proverb for January 3

January 3 of "The Worlds Great Proverbs" daily calendar has this proverb, "Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock."  I've never heard this proverb before but I like it already.  The meaning seems to be pretty straight forward but the application can be pretty big.  This proverb suggests that there can be severe consequences if we don't listen to those things that are there to guide us such as reason, instruction or warning.  There are plenty of examples of this in the lives of people living around us.  Just read the news and you see what happens to those who have ignored the instructions or warnings of others or have not listed to their own reason.  Of course we can probably find a few of these examples in our own lives.

It is prudent then to use the wisdom, knowledge and instruction of others to help us avoid mistakes and other pitfalls.  I know for my self the best rudder I have comes from the Bible as it is first and foremost the ultimate guide to avoiding the ultimate consequence.  Secondly the Bible is the best advice simply for getting through this life.

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