
January 11, 2014

In vain the net is spread in the sight of the bird - Proverb for January 11

Today's proverb is "In vain the net is spread in the sight of the bird".  This proverb comes from the Bible and is found in Proverbs 1:17.  We should actually read this with verse 18 or in context with verse 8-19.

I find this proverb a bit more complicated than others.  I found some different interpretations which seems to be either that the birds avoid the net (which I am surprised birds are clever enough to avoid a trap) or the birds will go into the net anyway and are caught.

I realized that I was getting caught in the meaning of the word "vain".  I was reading the proverb so that it was in vain (futile or ineffective) that the fowler (bird catcher) was spreading the net before the birds.  I realize now that another interpretation is that to the birds the net is in vain (ineffective) at stopping them from visiting the bait and they are therefore caught up.

I think in context with verse 18 which says "but these men lie in wait for their own blood; they set an ambush for their own lives." the meaning of this proverb is that like birds who get caught up in the net that is visible to them, so the wicked get caught up in the trap they them selves have set.  The wicked only ambush themselves in their schemes to get others to follow their wickedness.

I think this proverb is one that doesn't make sense immediately but put in context it starts to become clear what the intent is here.  In practice we need to be aware of the traps set out there and not fall into them.

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